Who are we

So our beautiful premises has been open for 2 months now and I am still being asked what it is we do on a semi regular basis....  so for the last week I have been editing and changing and updating our information sheet  and it appears to me that it is a moveable feast (if that is the right phrase).  When I first wrote our info sheet I thought it was good...  and was pretty self satisfied...  but with time the questions are still coming and I am always trying to find the right way to engage the myriad of different personalities I encounter.  So for your reading pleasure here is the latest evolving version of who we are at Mary Eleanor.  Your comments are welcome

We are a Funeral Home, or a Funeral Parlour, or Holistic Funeral Directors and along with my  passionate committed team we provide after death care based on the principles of love, service and sustainability.  We are leading the change in Tasmania, from conventional care back to more traditional family led after death and funeral care.

So what makes us different? We are a locally based family company and our primary focus is on your unique circumstances and individuality as well as the  support those close to you will need after your death.

  • Is there something you have always wanted regarding your final farewell? As long as it is legal and possible we will do our utmost to support your choices
  • We dont we have our own Chapel?  we believe strongly in encouraging and supporting people to explore the possibility of creating something more local, personalised and meaningful 
  • If it is your wish to 'keep things simple' we can organise a 'no frills' direct cremation in a  sustainable way, but always  with dignity and grace
  • Do you believe or hope in some kind of  existence beyond death?  We do.... but we humbly respect that personal belief is just that..  personal....and will strive at all times to honour, acknowledge and respect an individuals beliefs
  • Are you concerned about the environment for future generations? We aim to offer more environmentally friendly choices, stocking sustainable coffins such as Cardboard, Bamboo or Wicker, and only using natural body care products.

Our role is to enable, empower and support you and others to plan for a funeral or memorial service and provide a gentle presence to assist you in what is inevitably a very difficult time

  • How much would pay? Beautiful, Simple, Affordable is our motto. We can offer a range of products and options that are gentler on the budget, the earth and those left behind to mourn and grieve.